Yesterday was a big day in our house. Reece lost his first tooth! Okay here is the story. Saturday we went on the Polar Express train ride. While we were in line, Reece made friends with this other 5 year old standing next to us. One of the topics was teeth. This other little boy had already lost several teeth and his mom was saying that he had swallowed his first one.

A couple minutes later Reece turns to me with his finger in his mouth telling me he has a loose tooth. I kind of ignore him but Reece keeps on insisting so I take a look-see and by golly it’s super loose! So that night, and the next, he’s super nervous about swallowing his tooth in his sleep and I’m all stressed out because my baby is losing his first tooth and I feel totally unprepared.
Well Sunday and Monday go by and nothing. Tuesday morning he eats his breakfast (cereal) and then goes and gets dressed. He starts telling me about something and as he’s talking I’m thinking something looks different. “Reece”, I say, “open your mouth for Mommy”. His tooth is GONE.
We search high and low for it and finally accept the fact that he swallowed it with breakfast. He goes to his room to write a note to The Tooth Fairy and I clean up after breakfast. On an impulse, I decide to look in his bowl of leftover milk and lo and behold I find his little tiny tooth! Seriously unbelievable!

This is his letter. I had him read it to me and I wrote a translation below. It says:
Dear Tooth Fairy,
I don’t want a toothbrush. I just want a regular present.
I think it’s funny that he traded in a toothbrush for a “regular present”. I wrapped up a Transformer that he was going to get for Christmas and it just made his morning.

My Mom (cause she was the bestest) used to make a big deal out of everything. I always felt so special growing up and I wanted to do for Reece what my Mom did for me. Every time we lost a tooth, she would write a note from The Tooth Fairy to us. She made each letter all squiggly and it was just so darn cool. I did the same for Reece. Red is his favorite color 🙂
What do you do for your kids? Do you have Tooth Fairy traditions? We got money as kids and that’s what I was planning on giving Reece until he wrote up his little letter. Hey, I’m flexible. I’m still adjusting to the fact that I am old enough to be the mother of a child who just lost his tooth. I know, I’ll get over it 🙂
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Anonymous says
My son lost his first tooth today and I had no idea what to do so I googled and found this . Thank u so much I’m going to copy your note , I hope u don’t mind 🙂 this one was great , thank you so much . I’m anxciouse to see his reaction to it Tomorow .
andymandy says
I saved my sons first tooth and on his 30th birthday I made a card with his tooth, first lock of hair and some baby photos. He was thrilled that I had kept everything.
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust says
Ahh, this brings back happy memories. One of my boys wrote the fairy a note that said, “You usually leave me $1. This tooth was really hard to get out so can you leave me $5 this time?” Thanks for making me smile.
Warmly, Michelle
Janelle says
What neat ideas! I love the letter you write back! I recently talked about our tooth-losing tradition in this post:
Happy new year!
Shiloh says
We got money when we lost teeth, but my sister got creative and decided to leave money for the tooth fairy to see what happened. She got some candy teeth once and “billy bob” teeth once.:)
I love the tooth fairy note.:)
Brenda Davis says
Very cute note! Our toothfairy brings “gold dollar coins”. The kids love it and think it is so special! My youngest son has lost 6 teeth so far and loves counting his gold coins! Our toothfairy even brought gold coins to my 18 year old daughter who just had her 4 wisdom teeth removed. She was so happy!
Jessica says
Awww super cute story! My son is 5 and will be loosing his first tooth sometime soon I’m thinking! No loose ones yet though. I love the letter ! I’ll do that ! 🙂 Visiting from TT&J
G Inspires says
Oh and I’m your newest follower!
G Inspires says
This is such a sweet story! Thanks fro sharing…visiting from The Creative Spark. We do not have any special traditions for the tooth fairy…my baby is only 20 months….he better not loose any of those anytime soon! Being he isn’t a tiny baby anymore we have been focusing a lot on setting Christmas traditions this year…. not for any pitty but for statement my mother didn’t make these things special w/ tradition and that is something I refuse to do….I hope to be like you and your mom and make my son feel special b/c he is so very special to me! Thanks for the tooth fairy tips….I never would have made that as special but yeah….every thing he does is special and why not celebrate that!?
Trish@MomOnTimeout says
I coudn’t believe it when I found it – I was so thankful because I was feeling sad that we didn’t have his first tooth. I love his note – makes me smile just thinking about it 🙂
Erin says
This is awesome! So glad you found his tooth =o) and his note is just precious!!!
Regina says
My son actually cried when the toothfairy took his tooth and left money! He would have rather kept the tooth. So, when he recently lost his 2nd tooth, he decided to keep it – to which his 4yr old brother replied, “Give it to me! I want the money!” Haha! Anyway, I’d love to hear some ideas on a tradition or creative way to make the “keeping of the tooth” special!
folkhaven says
Oh how sweet! No traditions here yet as we are still working at acquiring the 2 yr old molars. I am interested to see what traditions other people mention so I can figure out what we will do when the time comes.