Here are some helpful tips to keep your tomato plants in tip-top shape this summer:

Pinch off any leaves that are dead or discolored to prevent the spreading of diseases to the rest of the plant. This also helps your plant look it’s best.
Plant marigolds around the base of your tomato plants to ward off insects. (Marigolds do attract slugs so keep that in mind!)
Plant deep! When your tomato packaging says to bury half (or more!) of the tomato plant in the soil – do it! I know that it makes your tomato plant look smaller BUT only for a week of so. It will grow faster and stronger and the fruit will be closer to the ground level as well since the first few rows of vines aren’t fruit bearing generally.

Just Jaime says
Great tips! I pinned this so I won’t forget!
Jen Lossing says
I am going to give this a try. We live in Arizona. It seems to be such a different growing environment here. I hope this works.
Thanks for the tips!
Kathy says
I am going to take your advise, Each year they never produce like they should. Thanks for sharing, I am a first time visitor, drop by for a visit. Kathy
kathi says
Thanks for the tips! I have 2 plants this year in my new raised beds. I don’t even like tomatoes!! I just wanted to see if I could grow them. Tomorrow I’ll be out pinching off the growth below the 1st vine that has growth…Tip #5. Thanks!
Helengrey says
Very helpful! Check out my garden. http://www.thegirlinthewildwest.com/
Jana@Transformations From the Heart says
Great tips, I do all the things that you mentioned already except this year I also planted marigolds around my plants. I’ve read many places that it helps, here’s crossing my fingers that they do.
Trish - Mom On Timeout says
I planted marigolds last year and I think it did help. Just beware of the slugs!
Our Delightful Home says
Great post! Looking forward to using some of your tips.
Mrs. Delightful
Sarah Struss says
Ooh, how I love gardening! Thanks for all of the great tips!!
Motivated Mommy of two says
great tips, I am currently growing tomatoes in my garden and they are doing really good. This is my third attempt. I do not have a drip system I just water them with the hose.
I am getting ready to post a follow up and show how they are doing. but here are some tips I just shared on my blog
Stopping by from the simply sensational link party
brooke says
Great tips!
gloria says
I was given Heirloom tomato seeds from my sister in-law and bought a heat pad as well as a lighting system. I started the seeds April 17, and some are about 4 inches tall and way to many in the peat pots. Should I attempt to thin them out before planting or wait and see which ones become the strongest ? I think they are plumb size but don’t know what they are called. Your information is very helpful, thanks
Kara at Petals to Picots says
Great tips, Trish! I am passing these on to my husband. He is the gardener in our family 🙂
Mary Johnson says
Pinch off all growth below the first vine that actually has fruit set on it – I have a question – pinch off growth closest to the main vine, correct? I know that seems obvious, but well….
Trish - Mom On Timeout says
You’ve got it! That’s part of the reason that the instructions on tomato packaging generally tells you to plant the tomato so deep – usually so over half of the plant is actually buried. If you do that, you won’t have much pinching off to do and your plant will be nice and full. The first several rows of vines are not fruit-bearing and by burying those parts it makes the tomato plant stronger. Great question!
Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles says
Great tips! I have an urban garden but I am very pleased with how my tomatoes have been growing! I do see a couple of things I can do based on your tips 🙂 Thanks!
Hani@Craftionary says
Very nice tips.. I tried to grow tomatoes this season from seeds, let’s just say it didn’t work for me.. 🙂
Trish - Mom On Timeout says
I tried that last year and didn’t have the best experience either. The plants grew fine but I don’t think I planted early enough and then of course I had like 20 tomato plants! I gave most of them away 🙂
Christa Aaron says
I tried from seed last year and failed. I tried again this year and some have succeeded! I have 4 tomato seedlings that are still living, one Roma, one Cherokee, and two Cherry tomatoes.
Great tips though, I learned a few things!